Spontaneity has been a theme that has brought many blessings towards my path. One has to be spontaneous to receive the gifts that it has to offer. One of those, was the gift of being able to meet an artist who has truly inspired me to go in the direction that I have been. I came across LA artist, HUEMAN - Allison Torneros. Her ever evolving style composes of random splashes of bold, and pastel feminine colors, contrasted by random and controlled movement of waves of black. Her subject matter is subjective and a really in the moment feel. I had the pleasure of receiving the opportunity to spontaneously meet her here in Vegas. Which later turned into helping her out with a wall mural here in the arts district downtown Las Vegas. It was an honor helping her fill in areas of her name HUEMAN (a play on words expressing that we are not robots.. that we have a soul and passion to express) Truly looking forward to follow what future works this artist has to give.